Delight for our Sixth Formers

Resilience and hard work produces brilliant A Level results
According to The Times Educational Supplement this year’s A-level students are the ‘unluckiest since the pandemic’. They did not take GCSE exams two years ago and were instead awarded results determined by their teachers. Consequently, this Summer’s exams were their first proper exams, in a year when the grading standards applied were back to those applying pre-Pandemic. Students also faced disruption this year due to industrial action.
Despite this, we are once again thrilled with the performance of our Sixth Form students and are pleased to be celebrating some incredible A-level and BTEC results which reflect the dedication and drive we expect from students at BCS. We are always proud of our Sixth Formers and their achievements but we are especially delighted with this cohort of young people given the disruption they have experienced. These students have been graded as if none of the last three years had happened, and they have performed remarkably well. It is a testament to their resilience and character and the challenging but nurturing approach we have taken with them.
As always we are delighted by the breadth of destinations and range of courses our students will be going onto: Reuben will be reading Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry at Oxford; Miriam will be studying Child and Mental Health Nursing at Southampton; Priya will be taking an Art foundation course at Central St Martin’s UAL; Gregor will be joining his sister to study in Edinburgh and Trinite and Rosie will be returning to BCS as valuable members of our support staff! Students are pursuing courses and careers in: paramedic practice, game art, international relations and development, accounting, Japanese, music and sound design to name but a few and we are delighted that the range of the courses and quality of the institutions shows no lack of ambition amongst our students.
In particular, we are delighted to report a 100% pass rate across all qualifications, with 60% of students gaining AAB or better across three A Levels. With a full range of A Level subjects offered, it is great to see success spread across all subjects. Our first cohort in the Level 3 Health & Social Care Diploma scored fabulous results, and their Community Befriending service has shown that they have the practical skills to match their new qualifications. A new qualification in Music, the L3 BTEC Music Performance, also got off to a strong start as an enrichment option. Lastly, 8 students gained an A* in their Extended Project Qualification, an increasingly popular enrichment opportunity that is particularly valuable in a competitive University entrance environment.
There were some outstanding individual performances including the following students who reached the exceptional standard of 3 top grades between A* and B at A level or Distinction at BTEC level 3:
- Trinite Blackley – 3 x Distinctions
- Amelie Brito – AABB
- Reuben Davies– A*A*A*
- Faye Eltringham – A*A*A
- Ethan Gilman-Hawkes – AB and Distinction* and A* in EPQ
- Lottie Gregory – BB and Distinction
- Bridie Harwood – A*AB and A* in EPQ
- Bobbi Lumbert – AB and Distinction
- Gregor McGill – ABB
- Charlotte Oakley – AAB and A* in EPQ
- Gemma Rolfe – ABB
- Priya Seward – A*AA
- Izzi Stokes – ABB and A* in EPQ
- Zoe Taylor – AAB
- Lauren Wilshaw – AA and Distinction*
If you are a young person completing your GCSEs in 2023 and would like to join our vibrant and successful Sixth Form community, we still have a few places left for study commencing in September. Please contact our Head of Sixth Form, Jackie Cruse at: for more information.