
This update from Mrs Jones was emailed out to parents 08.09.2023
Dear Parent/Carers
It has been so lovely having the students back in this week - welcoming our new Y7s to the school and welcoming all the other year groups back to school.
We are being really serious about getting uniform absolutely right from the offset. Each morning tutors do uniform and equipment checks and we will also be having a focus on particular aspects of our uniform. For instance today, we have done nose stud checks and have confiscated several.
Next week our focus will be on skirt length. Please can we remind parents/carers that skirts must be of a sensible length (ideally mid thigh or longer). Detentions will be issued for any students deemed to be wearing skirts that are too short. We will also be looking at nails next week. Over the weekend please can any long, brightly coloured acrylic/other nails be removed. We do allow nail varnish but this must be of a natural colour and nails need to be a sensible length.
When students understand and accept that the school rules have to be followed, it makes everything else fall in to place and we can all concentrate on learning and enjoying school life.
I hope you have a lovely weekend and thank you, as always, for your support.
Kind regards
Mrs Sam Jones - Headteacher