Message from Mrs Jones
Please see letter from Mrs Jones including end of term details
Dear Parents/Carers
This first term has absolutely flown by and I can hardly believe I am writing to you about Christmas!
It has been a really productive and busy year so far with some of our highlights being; Y7 team building with The Problem Solving Company, a two week visit from our Danish friends from the Frederikssund Private Realskole, we have had several theatre and educational trips, many successful sports fixtures and were thrilled to be able to welcome back our Presentation Evening in the Pavilion Gardens Octagon. Our Year 11 students are currently completing their mock GCSE exams as part of their preparation for those all-important GCSE examinations.
I would like to say some really big thank yous; to the teaching staff for their hard work this term both in lessons and also for all the extra-curricular things that just could not happen without their enthusiasm, to the support staff who really do keep the school afloat in their many and varied roles, to the students for making our school such a pleasure to work in and to Team BCS (our PTA) for all they do throughout the year but especially for BCSFestive last Friday – what a fantastic event and a lovely way to start the Christmas celebrations with our school community and our many visitors.
With Christmas in mind your child may have let you know that we are collecting contributions to make hampers for the food bank. If you are able to and would like to send your child in with an item of tinned or dried goods or a toiletry item, these will be very gratefully received. We would like to make up as many hampers as we can.
End of Term
I am also writing to share the arrangements for the end of term with you. Teaching time is a valuable resource and we will be delivering meaningful lessons all the way through to the end of term. Please make sure that your child attends every day as teachers will be covering important content in every subject. However, we haven’t forgotten it is Christmas and we intend to celebrate as follows:
- Wednesday 20th December is our Christmas dinner day and will also be our Christmas jumper day – Christmas jumpers and accessories are welcomed but not obligatory.
- Thursday 21st December will also be a non-uniform day and following lunch, we will be closing early at 12.45pm.
Please remind your child that even though it is non-uniform day they must remember all their equipment including PE kit, if they have it that day.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Sam Jones - Headteacher