Message from Mrs Jones

This letter was emailed out to all parents/carers.
Dear Parents/Carers
As you will have read in the newsletter, we have had another busy half term with lots of exciting events and great achievements from our students. Obviously, the GCSE and A Level exams are fast approaching and our Y11s and 13s are working hard preparing for these, with lots of revision groups running across the week. Just a reminder that details of these and all exam information, can be found on the website.
The main reason I am writing to you today is to take the opportunity to revisit our uniform expectations.
Uniform is an important part of our school’s identity. It reinforces who we are as a community and helps students to feel pride in their school. It also helps prepare them for life after school where many will have to dress smartly for work, be required to wear a uniform or follow a dress code that may not include piercings.
Firstly, I would like to thank the majority of students who get their uniform right every single day. Unfortunately, we have seen a decline in the standard of uniform with some students and we wish to clarify our uniform expectations.
The uniform policy is available on the website for further reference - Buxton Community School - Uniform but please see the additional guidance below:
Skirts – standard black school uniform skirt.
Skirt length - skirts must, as a minimum, come close to the knee. Some students are wearing skirts that are not of an appropriate length. We welcome your support in speaking to your child about skirt length and providing a skirt that meets these expectations. Many of the concerns around skirt length could be easily rectified if students did not roll up the waistbands.
When we return after Easter any student wearing a skirt that is not of an appropriate length, will be required to change into a skirt loaned to them by school which they will return at the end of the day.
Leggings - this item of clothing is not part of the school uniform and should not be worn. Our uniform policy states, very clearly, that:
- Leggings, legging type trousers, jeans or jean type trousers are not allowed.
Please support us in ensuring that your child does not leave for school wearing leggings or legging type trousers. After Easter any student wearing them will be asked to change into a skirt provided by school.
Can we please also remind parents and students that the only jumper allowed in school is a plain, black, knitted, V-necked jumper – no round necked jumpers. Sweatshirts or hoodies will be confiscated if worn in school and returned at the end of the day.
Nose/facial piercings/jewellery - the school policy is clear that jewellery is limited to a watch and studs in ears. With regard to piercings only stud earrings are permitted and no other piercings should be worn. We recognise the desire many students have to wear a nose stud or ring to school, but this is against school policy. If your child has their nose pierced they must remove it for the duration of the school day. The pierced hole will not close up during this time.
A student that cannot comply with any of the above or who is constantly asked to comply will face a sanction until the situation is rectified. As with skirts and leggings we welcome your support regarding piercings. We also require your support if your child fails to meet our uniform and behaviour expectations. Not supporting us when we apply our policy, takes time away from what we should be focusing on; teaching and learning. A parent cannot give permission for their child to wear a piercing or overrule the school on the uniform policy. The Headteacher’s decision is final.
Hair – should not be outlandish in style or colour and no brightly-dyed/multi-tonal hair is permitted. There should be no tramlines or patterns shaved into hair.
We will write to you again in the Summer Term with additional information regarding uniform expectations for September and would like to notify you now that we are exploring options around a school issue skirt and trousers. In the meantime we look forward to your support in ensuring all students arrive at school in the correct uniform and hope the guidance above makes things much clearer for everyone.
I hope you have a restful and happy Easter break.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Sam Jones - Headteacher