Message from Mrs Jones re uniform

Please see below uniform letter which was emailed out to parents 23.05.2024
Dear Parents/Carers
As communicated earlier in the year, we have been working on amendments and clarifications to our uniform policy. We are now in a position to share these, ready for implementation in September.
Why School Uniform Matters
A school uniform plays a crucial role in creating a sense of community and equality among students. It promotes a focused learning environment, minimises distractions, and reduces peer pressure related to clothing choices. Uniforms also contribute to the school's identity and help students take pride in their appearance and their school.
Policy Amendments for Consistency
We are not making significant changes to the existing uniform; rather, we are tightening the policy to address areas of inconsistency and to eliminate grey areas which can become the source of issues. By refining these guidelines, we aim to ensure that all students adhere to the same standards, which will help maintain a respectful and cohesive school environment.
New School Skirt
Starting from September, we are introducing a new school skirt design, which can be seen in the picture at the end of this letter. The skirt is available from Classworx in Macclesfield only. This item is excellent quality and has an elastic adjuster in the waistband to enable it to fit for as long as possible. From September, this is the only permitted skirt as part of our uniform. Anyone who doesn’t wish to wear this skirt can wear trousers – please see details below.
Girls’ Trousers
Although we have specified many times that leggings are not part of our school uniform, we still have some students arriving in school wearing leggings. Currently we do allow the stretchy jersey trousers with zips at the top (from New Look) but from September only school trousers made of school uniform material will be allowed. Classworx stock school uniform trousers and we have also supplied links below of suitable school uniform trousers:
- Buy Girls' Skinny Leg Belted School Trousers (2-18 Yrs) | M&S Collection | M&S (
- Girls High Waist Skinny School Trousers (9-18Yrs) | M&S Collection | M&S (
- Supermarkets also sell suitable trousers of school uniform material but links are not yet available as they are still selling old stock. We understand that their new uniform stocks are in store from late June/July as a rule. (If you are unsure whether something complies with our uniform policy, please give us a quick ring to check before buying).
Please remember - do not buy any trousers for your daughter that are not made of school uniform material as they will not be allowed.
Boys uniform
We would like to congratulate and thank the boys for getting uniform right almost all the time. As a reminder they must wear trousers of school uniform material.
Some students choose to wear a plain black, knitted, V-necked jumper under their blazers in cooler weather. These are permitted under the blazers but not instead of. As a reminder they must be plain black, V-necked, knitted jumpers – no round necks, no logos, no other material (ie sweatshirt type material.)
Introduction of Shorts
Additionally, we are pleased to announce that students will now be allowed to wear shorts. The shorts must be black, tailored, with belt loops, and can be purchased by following the link below only:
- Senior Boys' Bermuda Length School Shorts – David Luke Ltd
- Senior Girls' School Shorts – David Luke Ltd
- (if it looks like the size you require is not available, please telephone them using the contact details on the website)
This option provides a comfortable and practical alternative for students, especially during warmer weather.
No other types of shorts will be allowed. Students will be sent home to change if they wear any other type of shorts.
As part of the updated policy, please note that socks must be plain black when worn with trousers, shorts or the skirt (no fluffy socks of any colour.) Tights should be black.
Jewellery remains limited to a watch and studs in ears. For health and safety reasons, no other piercings are permitted. Please be aware that having a new piercing at risk of healing is not an acceptable excuse for wearing anything other than studs in ears. Jewellery cannot be worn at all during PE, in accordance with school policy.
Make up and/or nail varnish must look natural. There should be no extreme hair styles, ie patterns shaved into the head or vivid hair colours.
Non-Compliance with Uniform Policy
Please note that non-compliance with the uniform policy will result in the student being placed in isolation and/or a request for parents to bring the correct uniform into school.
Importance of Parental Support
Your support in ensuring your child complies with the uniform policy is invaluable. Adhering to the uniform guidelines helps reduce the time spent on addressing non-compliance issues, allowing us to focus more on what truly matters—your child's education and learning experience. By working together, we can create a positive and purposeful environment for all students.
We appreciate your cooperation and understanding as we implement these updates. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Thank you for your continued support
Mrs Sam Jones - Headteacher