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Buxton Community School

Buxton Community School


 Buxton Community School PTA (Parent Teacher Association)

Whilst many secondary schools don’t actually have an active PTA, here at BCS we have been lucky to have a history of parents, teachers and governors working together to form a PTA. The Buxton Community School PTA - Team BCS - has many benefits both to those parents and staff who attend meetings and the students who are able to use much needed resources which otherwise would not necessarily be afforded by the school.

In the past PTA fundraising has funded a wide range of resources from sewing machines to medical equipment (defibrillator), sports equipment to Lego and many other items used for extra curricula activities.  

You are automatically a member of the Buxton Community School PTA if you are a parent, guardian, staff member or a friend of the school and you are welcome to attend with no obligation to become involved with the committee or organising any events.


  • Thursday 30th January at Lubens, Hall Bank, Buxton at 7pm. 

Those who attend our meetings appreciate the fact that they are brief, informal and informative, and that none of our fundraisers or events are particularly arduous! We recognise that all of us are increasingly busy people (life just seems to get busier at secondary school level!) so we concentrate on events that provide maximum return for our wonderful school while keeping the workload to a minimum.  Of course, many hands make light work, so everyone is welcome.

Objectives of the PTA:

  • To raise funds that will give Buxton Community School students extra facilities that might not be provided by government funding.
  • To extend relationships between the staff, parents and others associated with the school.

If you are wondering whether to come along to a PTA meeting but you are not too sure, why not come with a friend – we are very welcoming.  If you would like to have a chat about the PTA, please contact Sandi Flint at school on 01298 212161.

EasyFundraising – If you are currently too busy to support our efforts in any other way, would you please consider nominating BCS as your beneficiary for online purchases via EasyFundraising. It will cost you nothing and could make a huge difference to the funds we have available to enhance the opportunities open to students at BCS.  (

Other contact details:

Follow us on Twitter @BCS_PTA and Facebook

Contact us here: